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Can I Eat Potatoes That Have Sprouted?

Jun 4, 2014
Q: Is it ok to eat potatoes that have sprouted?
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A Few Fries Short Of A Happy Meal…

Jun 2, 2014
Q: Ever heard the term “a few fries short of a happy meal”? Well, short fries drive Dr. Potato insane! Why, you ask?
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Perfect Idaho® Potato Poutine

May 29, 2014
Q: What makes a good potato for a Poutine? Can the original recipe be modified with different ingredients?
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How Long Will it Take for a Potato to Turn Green When Exposed to Light?

May 27, 2014
Q: How long will it take a potato to turn green when exposed to light?
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Meatless Monday Restaurant Menu Ideas

May 19, 2014
Q: I have customers staying at home on Mondays to fix “Meatless Monday” dishes; anything we could make that might encourage our guests to dine in the restaurant rather than at home?
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My Potatoes Are Too Sweet, What Do I Do?

May 16, 2014
Q: Sometimes my potatoes have a sweet flavor to them. Someone told me if they were stored in too cold of a place the starch breaks down and turns to sugar. Is that true? I have a 15 lbs. bag of Gold potatoes that taste sweet. What can I do with them so I don’t taste that sweet flavor?
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Any Tips On Using The Combi-Oven To Offer School Foodservice Directors Affordable And Nutritious Baked French Fries?

May 14, 2014
Q: What’s a recognized state-of-the-art method to ‘fry’ French fries without frying?
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Love It Or Load It?

May 13, 2014
Q: What’s a good way to offer a baked potato side that is healthy rather than only loaded?
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How To Prepare Scalloped / Au Gratin Potatoes

May 8, 2014
Q: What is the best way to prepare scalloped / au gratin potatoes?
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How To Prepare Hash Browns

May 8, 2014
Q: What is the best way to prepare hash browns?
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