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Are Baked Potatoes Nutritious?

Apr 4, 2014
Q: Are the baked potatoes I eat bad for me?
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How Long Does it Take for a Potato to Turn Green When Exposed to Light

Apr 4, 2014
Q: How long will it take a potato to turn green when exposed to light?
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Can I Eat Leftover Baked Potatoes?

Apr 2, 2014
Q: I have forgotten which episode and cannot find it on his website but Dr. Oz said not to eat leftover baked potatoes and gave the reason(s).  Do you have any idea what he was talking about?  I usually eat one-half of a baked potato one night and the other half the next night.
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Green Water From Boiled Potatoes

Mar 28, 2014
Q: I took the potatoes out to cool last evening and left water in pot overnight, graniteware. When pouring water out this morning it was a vivid green color!? Typically of course I drain the water and cool in pan  so I’m clueless if time overnight “greened” the water or exactly what happened? Please help!
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Does Idaho Grow Any Organic Potatoes?

Mar 25, 2014
Q: Do very many Idaho Potato Growers grow organic potatoes?
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Meatloaf and Mashed Potatoes Reinvented

Mar 20, 2014
Q: Do you have any ideas on something different I could try when pairing meatloaf with mashed potatoes?
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Storing a 50 lb box of Idaho® Potatoes

Mar 17, 2014
Q: If I purchased a 50 lb box of potatoes how long would they stay good if stored in proper conditions?
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Freezing Homemade Mashed Potatoes

Mar 14, 2014
Q: Can homemade mashed potatoes be frozen?
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Basics of Storing Idaho® Potatoes

Mar 10, 2014
Q: What is the best way to store Idaho® potatoes?
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Baking a Large Number of Idaho Potatoes in a Convection Oven

Mar 7, 2014
Q: Can I bake 20 Idaho potatoes in my convection oven at the same time? How long, and what temperature?
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