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How To Prepare Baked / Twice-Baked Potatoes

May 8, 2014
Q: What is the best way to prepare baked / twice-baked potatoes?
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How To Prepare Mashed Potatoes

May 8, 2014
Q: What is the best way to prepare mashed potatoes?
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How To Prepare French Fries

May 8, 2014
Q: What is the best way to prepare french fries?
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I Cooked My Potatoes At 375 Degrees F For An Hour And They Were Not Cooked

May 2, 2014
Q: I cooked potatoes at 375 degrees F for an hour and they were still not cooked. Shouldn’t they be done?
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Is It Ok To Leave Boiled Or Baked Potatoes Out Overnight For Potato Salad?

Apr 29, 2014
Q: Is it ok to leave boiled or baked potatoes out overnight for potato salad?
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To Create Perfect French Fries Its Important To Always Blanch Them

Apr 26, 2014
Q: I know your philosophy is to blanch potatoes when doing fresh cut fries and understand the reasons why, but is this practical for a chef operator like myself?
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We Have Been Experiencing Hard Potatoes In Our Pre-diced Potatoes, Which We Purchase For Our Store.

Apr 23, 2014
Q: I’m hoping you can help me out with your potato knowledge. We are a fresh soup producer and buy our potatoes (Burbank and Norkotah varieties) peeled, ¾” diced and rinsed in an anti-browning agent.  At times we experience “hard” potato complaints from our customers.  Through internal testing we see a small percentage of potatoes that have a waxy texture on the outside but are cooked through on the inside. Is it one variety over the other, could the sodium metabisulphite solution cause this or is it age of the crop?
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Why Are My Potatoes Flavorless And Lumpy Lately?

Apr 20, 2014
Q: I am a cook of more than 45 years, and my mom for more than 80 years, and she is still a great cook. Within the past few months I have noticed the potatoes are tasteless, lumpy and mealy. After so many disappointments, we have decided that we might as well buy boxed potatoes. Although, I sure will miss my baked potato. What happened?
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What Is The Best Fryer And Oil To Fry With?

Apr 18, 2014
Q: Can you send me the specifics to help me determine what type of fryer and oil to make the best Fresh French fries?
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How to Fry the Perfect Fresh Fries in Just a Few Short Steps

Apr 7, 2014
Q: Years ago I remember a kitchen poster where I worked that had some key steps in frying up Idaho potatoes. Do you have an electronic version that I can print or share with my co-workers? I am at a non-commercial, sometimes called on-site, location. It was part of a monthly themed promotion on fries including serving a French Fry Bar with different toppings.
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