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Combining Mashed Potatoes and Cauliflower

Sep 13, 2011
Q: What do you think about combining cauliflower and mashed potatoes? I know it is supposed to be healthier for you, but when I put the two together it was very bland. Any suggestions?
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Does the Size of a Potato Matter?

Sep 9, 2011
Q: Does size matter when a recipe calls for small or medium potatoes? If so, what should I use?
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McDonald’s Kid’s Meal Changes

Sep 6, 2011
Q: What do you think about McDonald’s reducing the portion of the kid’s meal French fries to two ounces and adding apple slices instead?
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Making Homemade Crinkle Cut Fries

Sep 2, 2011
Q: Please let me where I can get a machine or tool to do fresh crinkle cut fries.
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Deep Frying Red Potatoes

Aug 30, 2011
Q: Can you deep fry red skin potatoes?
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Smokey Potato Flavor

Aug 26, 2011
Q: Can you give me any hints on coming up with some recipes for Idaho® potatoes that will impart a smoky flavor?
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Recipe for “Papas Huancaína”

Aug 15, 2011
Q: When I was in South America years ago I had something called “Papas Huancaína”. Do you happen to have a recipe on your website of this recipe?
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Potato Salad: Texture and Absorption

Aug 11, 2011
Q: When making potato salad the outer layer of my potato often flakes. I’ve tried different types of potatoes but usually end up with chunks that are “tight”.  Also, do I cool the potatoes before dressing them?  If I dress them when they are warm they tend to absorb the dressing. Tastes ok but looks dry. Any suggestions?
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How many potatoes are in a pound?

Aug 8, 2011
Q: I have noticed that a lot more recipes do not state how many potatoes are needed, they only state the number of pounds needed. How do I figure out the number of potatoes to use in my recipe when only given pounds?
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Crinkle Cut French Fries

Aug 4, 2011
Q: I own an ice cream shop and would like to add hand cut french fries to our menu.  I have been following the french fry prep tips on the foodservice section of the website, and for the most part, our test batches have been coming out ok, but I still have some questions, such as: I've heard of soaking in a brine solution.  Do you know what the purpose of that is?
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