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How Popular Are Potatoes Compared to Other Starches?

Jun 2, 2011
Q: It has always been something I wonder about? Exactly how popular are potatoes versus other starches?
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Why Should I Refrigerate a Blanched French Fry?

May 30, 2011
Q: In cooking school, after blanching our French fries, we left them in the refrigerator (or even the freezer) before the final fry. How does refrigerating a blanched French fry create a better final product?
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Can I Freeze Potato Salad?

May 26, 2011
Q: Can I freeze the left over potato salad?
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Can I Charge More For a Twice Baked Potato on My Menu?

May 23, 2011
Q: Can I charge for a twice baked potato on my menu? Right now I include them free as a choice of side dishes. What I want to do is take it off the menu and re-introduce it.  Willing to go a little upscale if needed.
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How to Make Potato Salad With Extra “Zing”

May 19, 2011
Q: Any ideas on how to make my potato salad have a little zip or extra zing?
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First Nationally Marketed Retail Frozen French Fry

May 5, 2011
Q: What was the first nationally marketed retail frozen French fry?
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Serving Roasted Potatoes for a Large Group

May 2, 2011
Q: I am planning a wedding menu and would like to serve roasted potatoes. We have about 200 guests attending. Is this do-able?  How long do I cook them and what size pans should I use? What can I do to keep them from becoming too soft?
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Does Soaking Potato Chips in Liquids Before Frying Change the Flavor?

Apr 28, 2011
Q: Does soaking potato chips in different liquids before frying change the flavor of the chip? If so, what liquid would change the flavor the most?
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High Sugar and Solids

Apr 25, 2011
Q: Could an Idaho russet potato with high sugar content still have high solids?
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Peeling Fingerling Potatoes

Apr 22, 2011
Q: I recently saw a recipe for fingerling potatoes that called for peeling them, then cutting into coins and then mashing in a ricer. Are all those steps necessary?
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