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Lumpy Mashed Potatoes

Dec 9, 2011
Q: How do I fix lumpy mashed potatoes?
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Premium Length French Fries

Dec 6, 2011
Q: Can you explain again what you meant when you said that it pays to buy premium length French fries over the least expensive “line flow”?
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Black Spots after Piercing Potatoes

Dec 2, 2011
Q: We held a large banquet last night. We scrubbed and pierced the potatoes (some of them pierced with a fork), wrapped them in foil and baked them the next day.  We were horrified when we cut the "fork" pierce potatoes to find them black where they were pierce with the fork.   Is there any way to prevent that from happening? That didn't happen on the knife pierced ones.
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Difference in Idaho Potato Crop from 2011 to 2012

Nov 11, 2011
Q: Is there much difference between this year’s Idaho potato crop and last year’s?
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Keeping Idaho® Potatoes Warm with a Steam Roaster

Nov 8, 2011
Q: I am making 35 lbs of mashed potatoes and I need to know how to keep them warm.  I have a steam roaster. Will this work or will the roaster make them soupy?
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Should we Blanch our Idaho® Potatoes?

Nov 4, 2011
Q: We do not blanch out potatoes; we cut them directly into a Cambro container, cover with water, and fry within 36 hours. The potatoes turn out differently from one lot to another.  Can you help?
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Are Idaho® Potatoes Nutritious?

Nov 1, 2011
Q: Recently, I was following a diet designed to lower my cholesterol. Accordingly, potatoes were listed as a “food to avoid” due to the starch content. After visiting your website, I am now confused as to whether or not I should include them in my diet. Can you please help?
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Easy but Exciting Potato Dish for Party

Oct 28, 2011
Q: I would like to do a potato dish for a party that is simple and straight forward, but can be combined with dips or sauces to make each of my guests feel like they created something special. Any ideas?
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How to make ribbon fries.

Oct 25, 2011
Q: Can you recommend a way to make those ribbon or wavy ribbon or chip twister cut fries?
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Cutting a large quantity of potatoes into fresh fries quickly.

Oct 20, 2011
Q: I have a lot, as in 2000 pounds, of Idaho potatoes to cut into fresh fries each week. My guys are pretty quick at doing this, but is there an easier way? I am even willing to spend some money on a piece of equipment to make it more efficient.
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