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Different Colored Russets

Mar 1, 2012
Q: I bought some russets at Sam's the first week of this year and they look different from the ones I've purchased before. The new ones are more round than cylindrical plus when I peel them they are firmer and white. Even after grating them and leaving them for a few minutes, they don't change color. Additionally, when putting them through a ricer, the juice comes out clear rather than red as typical for with the previously purchased spuds. Why?
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Idaho® Potatoes and Chemicals

Feb 28, 2012
Q: Can you tell me if the skins of Idaho potatoes absorb the chemical sprays that might be used on them?
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Can potatoes be used if they become frozen?

Feb 23, 2012
Q: We forgot a bag of raw potatoes on our deck and now they’re frozen. They are not rotten, just frozen. Can I still use them in any fashion, i.e., mashed, etc.  
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Idaho Potato Recipe from My Childhood

Feb 21, 2012
Q: I am looking for a potato recipe from my childhood, can you help?
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Keeping breakfast potatoes from becoming soggy

Feb 16, 2012
Q: I was wondering how to keep fried potatoes from getting soggy. My church has a potluck on Wednesdays, and now and then, we have breakfast for dinner. Fried potatoes are always on the sign-up sheet, but no one knows how to fry them at home and transport them without the potatoes getting greasy and soggy.
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Freezing Idaho® Potatoes

Feb 14, 2012
Q: How do I freeze potatoes without them turning brown?
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Soaking Potatoes in Milk

Feb 9, 2012
Q: Why soak potatoes in milk?
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True Idaho® Potatoes

Feb 7, 2012
Q: Where do you find true Idaho Potatoes?
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What is the most common searched for item on your website?

Feb 3, 2012
Q: What is the most popular search on your web site?
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Idaho® Potato Recipes Using Apples

Feb 1, 2012
Q: With winter I don’t have much in the way of fresh fruits and vegetables to choose from. But I do have crispy apples and russet potatoes from Idaho. Any recipe suggestions to try on my family?
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