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Cooking with Dehydrated Potatoes

Jan 29, 2013
Q: I was cleaning out my pantry the other day and noticed that I have several packets and containers of dry potatoes for recipes like mashed potatoes and hash browns and scalloped potatoes. Any suggestions on using these as a base for a more interesting recipe?
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Using Leftover Potato Bread

Jan 24, 2013
Q: I always buy potato bread or potato rolls for special occasions, but I sometimes have some leftover. What can I make with the leftovers?
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Suggestions for Takeout Baked Idaho Potatoes

Jan 22, 2013
Q: BAKE AND TAKE, any suggestions for takeout baked Idaho Potatoes?
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Vegan Potato Recipes

Jan 17, 2013
Q: I have vegan friends coming over dinner, so what vegan recipes can I make with potatoes?
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Are Potatoes Just for Breakfast Now?

Jan 15, 2013
Q: What are your thoughts on using Idaho potatoes not just for breakfast, but for brunch, lunch or dinner?
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Ordering Fries on the Side

Jan 10, 2013
Q: Fries used to be the only side option with our bundled meals, but now we have many side dish options. I believe these extra options are the reason why our food costs have been climbing—fries were much more profitable than offering a side salad or fruit. How can I get my profits back up?
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Why Are My Potatoes Grey?

Jan 8, 2013
Q: Why are my potatoes a grey color? After I peel the potato, little grey lines appear throughout the flesh. Are they still good to use?
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Poking Potatoes

Jan 4, 2013
Q: What is the optimal depth to poke a potato before baking? And how far apart should the pokes be?
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Pre-Cooking Potatoes for Camping

Dec 28, 2012
Q: I’m going camping and I want to pre-cook potatoes to fry them in morning and have ham potatoes and white sauce at night.  How should I cook and refrigerate them? Also how long will they last?
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Idaho Potatoes on Pinterest

Dec 21, 2012
Q: With all the wonderful photos and recipes posted now on Pinterest, is Idaho there too?
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