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Roasting potatoes at a lower temperature

Apr 12, 2013
Q: Can I roast sliced potatoes at 250 degrees and if so, for how long?
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How should I store my prepared potatoes?

Apr 9, 2013
Q: I made a mashed potato and sardine mix for something similar to the croquettes on your recipe website. Should I store this mixture at room temperature, in the fridge, or in the freezer?
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Can I bake potatoes and meat loaf together?

Apr 5, 2013
Q: Can I bake potatoes and meat loaf in the same oven at the same time?
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Frying Best Practices

Apr 2, 2013
Q: It seems as if wavy ribbon fries soak up a lot of oil. Is there a better way to prep and fry for a better a taste?
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Shelf Life of a Potato

Mar 29, 2013
Q: I’ve read that a potato’s shelf life is 30 days. However, I’ve seen other sources like the Idaho Potato Commission say that potatoes can last for several months if properly stored. Which is the right answer?
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Are Tots the New French Fries?

Mar 26, 2013
Q: I’ve been seeing tater tots popping up increasingly often on menus anywhere from Burger King to upscale dining locations. Are they becoming the new French fries?
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Cooking up a Casserole

Mar 19, 2013
Q: Do you have any great recipes for casseroles?
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Breadless Bruschetta

Mar 15, 2013
Q: Since we serve bread with every meal it is hard to charge for an appetizer that is also made with bread, such as bruschetta. Can you make bruschetta with potatoes?
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Not Just Your Average Scalloped Potato

Mar 12, 2013
Q: I want to test out my culinary creativity and wow my guests with an unusual scalloped potato recipe. Do you have any suggestions?
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My Potatoes Have Sprouted!

Mar 8, 2013
Q: The 10-pound bag of potatoes I bought a week ago have gone a little soft and have sprouted roots ranging from 2 to 6 inches long. Can I cut these off and still eat the potatoes?
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