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Are My Instant Mashed Potato’s Gluten Free?

Jul 30, 2013
Q: I use Trio mashed potatoes without milk, the kids at camp are asking if these are gluten free?
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Why Did My Potato Latkes Turn Black After Storing Them in the Fridge?

Jul 26, 2013
Q: I just made a batch of potato latkes and fried them up until crispy brown. They tasted excellent, but we stored them in the refrigerator, wrapped up and continued to eat them for a few days. After the third day, the center on some of the potato pancakes turned black. Can you tell me why or what to do to prevent it? I added lemon to the shredded potatoes while I shredded them to prevent discoloration. I used 12 large Idaho® potatoes, 10 eggs, a half cup of Matzo Meal, a half cup of high gluten flour, a tablespoon of baking powder, salt, pepper and two grated Spanish onions; I fried them in a blended oil. Could the high gluten flour have something to do with it?
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Do all processed potatoes come from Idaho?

Jul 23, 2013
Q: I see lots of ads in foodservice magazines for processed potatoes; do they all come from Idaho?
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The perfect baked potato to pair with a steak

Jul 19, 2013
Q: What is the perfect baked potato to pair with a steak?
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Ten steps to better homemade Idaho® Potato french fries

Jul 16, 2013
Q: Are there some tips on how I cannot screw up the relationship I have with homemade Idaho® French fries? What exactly are the pitfalls I need to avoid to please guests with the best fresh cut French fries?
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How do you cook a baked potato?

Jul 12, 2013
Q: What is the correct oven temperature and time to cook a baked potato? I especially would like to know the cooking temperature for russets.
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Can I eat week old potatoes that have been cooked and refrigerated?

Jul 9, 2013
Q: I baked several potatoes last week and put them in the fridge in individual containers. Would they still be ok to eat? I baked them using a rack that has a sharp tab that pierces the potato and holds it in place so there is a small cut in them. They are stored plain with no butter, sour cream, etc. The skin is dry and loose but the inside looks and smells fine. I have heard bad things about foil wrapped potatoes and wondered if the Tupperware containers would be considered a low oxygen environment?
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Any quick ideas for saving money by starring the potato?

Jul 5, 2013
Q: Any quick ideas how I can save money by giving the potatoes starring roles at dinner time?
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What are some lasagna recipes that use potatoes instead of pasta?

Jul 2, 2013
Q: I just read that a chef made lasagna using potatoes instead of pasta, do you have any examples that I might be able to make as a unique appetizer on my menu?
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Can I Use Soft Potatoes

Jun 25, 2013
Q: Can I use potatoes that are too old and are a little soft?
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