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Size Spread of Idaho Potatoes

Nov 2, 2012
Q: With the new crop now being harvested we were wondering what the “sweet spot” or size spread is of typical Idaho potato russets when it comes to carton counts or ounces?
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How to Amp Up Your Mashed Potatoes

Oct 19, 2012
Q: Nearly every entree at my restaurant is paired with mashed potatoes. They are made fresh from Idaho® Russet potatoes and are very popular, but is there a way I can amp up this comfort food side?
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Starting a French Fry Restaurant

Oct 16, 2012
Q: What kind of equipment do I need to start a small French fry restaurant?
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Cooking Potatoes in a Slow Cooker

Oct 9, 2012
Q: I just went to the farmers market locally and picked up some vegetables to cook in my slow cooker. Do you have any ideas that might include Idaho® potatoes?
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Fixing a Healthy Potato

Oct 5, 2012
Q: I'm on a diet, but I don't want to cut out carbs. How should I fix a potato that's healthy and nutritious for me to eat?
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Harvesting Potatoes

Oct 2, 2012
Q: When I told someone from Idaho that I thought potatoes were continually being planted and harvested all year long, he laughed at me. Isn’t that true?
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Availability of Russet Burbanks

Sep 28, 2012
Q: I’ve found that when I make fresh-cut fries, Russet Burbanks seem to be the only potatoes that crisp up nicely. I’ve learned my lesson when I’ve used other Russets—the fries are extra soggy and my customers complain about them. Where can I find the famous Idaho® Russet Burbanks? Sometimes my foodservice distributor says they are out usually in July or August.
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Wet Greek Fries

Sep 25, 2012
Q: What restaurant has been around forever and has an amazing following for their soggy fries?
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What is the Nutritional Value of Potatoes of Different Varieties?

Sep 14, 2012
Q: For people trying to lose weight, there’s a debate about whether or not we should eat potatoes. I know potatoes are high in carbs, but I understand they are also very nutritious. Where can I find nutritional information of the different varieties of potatoes?
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So, What is Poutine?

Sep 11, 2012
Q: What is poutine? I see it popping up more and more on fast food and casual dining menus.
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