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How Can I Store Pre-Cooked Baking Potatoes for 24 Hours?

Mar 8, 2018
Q: I have potatoes that have been prepared for baking, by being washed, poked, a drizzle of olive oil, salt and pepper, and wrapped in foil. But, the steaks got put in the freezer and can't cook them for 24 hours. How can I store the pre-cooked baking potatoes for 24 hours?
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Do No. 1 Potatoes have Better Yields than No 2’s?

Mar 2, 2018
Q: I have a customer using No. 2 potatoes for fresh cut fries, by I’m thinking that No. 1 potatoes have a better yield, right? With less nicks, bruising, pointed tips, etc., wouldn't the No. 1 yield less shorts (equals longer fries) that cover more of the plate? This would then mean more portions per case, correct?
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The Weather Outside Is Frightful… Idaho Potato Recipe Suggestions For Being Stuck Inside

Feb 16, 2018
Q: When the weather outside is frightful, do you have any favorite Idaho® potato recipe suggestions for being stuck inside?
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I Prepped My Potatoes Last Night, Refrigerated Overnight, But Now They are Turning Black. Are They Safe to Eat?

Feb 7, 2018
Q: I prepped my potatoes last night by slicing them, added colored peppers, mushrooms and butter. I then covered them with foil and refrigerated overnight. I’m currently baking them now and they are turning black. Are they safe to eat?
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Dr. Potato Loves Game Day Recipes With Idaho® Potatoes As The Star

Feb 2, 2018
Q: Do you have any last minute, easy to make game day recipes with Idaho Potatoes as the star?
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How Do I Keep Potatoes from Sprouting at Home?

Jan 31, 2018
Q: How do I keep the potatoes from sprouting and going soft?
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Why Do Potatoes Sometimes Taste “Earthy”

Jan 29, 2018
Q: Why do have an “earthy” flavor sometimes after you cook them?
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Can I Bake Potatoes In A Roaster?

Jan 16, 2018
Q: Can I bake potatoes in a roaster? If so, can you give me directions or direct me to a recipe?
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How To Keep Idaho® Potatoes From Turning Brown After Boiling

Jan 11, 2018
Q: After boiling potatoes, how can I keep them from turning brown overnight so I can make potato salad the next day?
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Where Can I Source Frozen Bulk Organic French Fries for my Frozen Food Company?

Jan 9, 2018
Q: We are a frozen food company looking to source frozen bulk organic French fries. We are looking for a list of companies that produce French fries in Idaho and thought you might be able to assist us.
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