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How Many Days in Advance Can You Safely Wash, then Wrap Potatoes in Foil?

Jun 12, 2018
Q: How many days in advance can you safely wash, then wrap potatoes in aluminum foil for an upcoming event?
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Dr. Potato Addresses Summertime Potato Salad Doldrums

Jun 11, 2018
Q: In my extended circle of family and friends I am usually the one who volunteers to make potato salad for all the summertime events. Having just finished up with Memorial Day weekend, I found that the regulars at these get-togethers really love my Mom’s Southern Style Potato Salad. However, the younger generations in particular just look at this as “same old, same old” and often skip it. What can I do to jazz up the usual ingredients of Idaho Russet potatoes, salad dressing or mayonnaise, celery, onion, pickles, mustard, sliced hard boiled eggs with a little paprika sprinkled on top? I’m going to make potato salad again for the Fourth of July and then there’s Labor Day weekend. Signed, I’m bored.
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How to Make Scalloped or Au Gratin Potatoes in Advance

May 31, 2018
Q: I want to make a 10 lb scallop potato casserole ahead of time by cutting potatoes the day before and then assembling and baking the casserole the next day. Is this possible?
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Cooking Idaho® Potatoes in the Oven at the Same Time as Cooking Other Foods

May 21, 2018
Q: I'm heating a ham in the oven at 250°F. How long will it take to cook baked potatoes at the same time?
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All Ways Funeral Potato Casserole Re-examines the Possibilities with Ratios, Recipes and Recommendations

May 9, 2018
Q: I saw your earlier post and it got me thinking about my family recipe for Funeral Potatoes. Of course, I want to continue with the tradition, but wanted to also know what my options might be to personalize it for future generations or build upon a potato based casserole theme for any occasion. Do you have any suggestions?
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How To Prepare Idaho Potatoes At A New Restaurant I’m Opening

May 2, 2018
Q: I’m opening up a new restaurant near several office buildings, so I know catering is going to be a big part of my business. I want to serve a lot of different potatoes items, but I need to know how to fix them. Any visuals or tips?
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Never Store Potatoes On Ice

Apr 18, 2018
Q: Dr. Potato, this is a nice display, but you say there’s something wrong with this picture. What is it?
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Can I Wash and Wrap Potatoes in Foil Three Days Before I Bake Them?

Apr 9, 2018
Q: We are having an event Saturday afternoon and I am making 400 Idaho baked potatoes. Would it be safe to wash and wrap the potatoes in foil on Wednesday evening, then leave them at room temperature until I bake them on Saturday?
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Ready For Lunchtime Business With Fresh-Cut Fries From Idaho

Mar 23, 2018
Q: I went to lunch early and wanted to compliment Idaho on the great fresh cut fries we had today. They were crisp, hot and not too salty. I tried to take a picture of the fries at the table but everyone’s hands were in the way and then they were gone. Here is my picture into the kitchen area. Can you guess where I was, Dr. Potato?  
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Funeral Potatoes Bring Comfort and Save Families from Having to Cook in a Time of Stress

Mar 13, 2018
Q: I was asked to bring funeral potatoes to a friend’s house after the service, and having grown up in the Northeast, I had no idea what these were. Someone said search “Utah funeral food” or “Idaho potato casserole dishes.” Now that I have found it, what’s the preference… scalloped or hash browns? Fresh or frozen? Is canned soup an essential ingredient? Are the expectations plain and simple and maybe a little bland, or can I spice it up?
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