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Dr. Potato 2015 “Is It Real?” What Does The Great Big Idaho Potato Truck “Spud” Really Look Like Without Its Clothes?

Apr 2, 2015
Q: Some people may be fooled, but I’m not. That giant Idaho potato that has been touring the country isn’t real. I want to know what it looks like underneath that russet colored skin.
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What does "Break for Potatoes" Mean for Some Kids?

Mar 23, 2015
Q: When I was a kid, growing up in an area in Oregon that was dominated by agriculture I remember getting time off from high school to go pick raspberries and my friends in Idaho got to do this with potatoes. Do school kids still do this?
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I Eat A Baked Potato Every Night…

Mar 21, 2015
Q: I eat a baked potato every night. I am wondering, can I bake 3 at a time and keep them in the refrigerator? Will they have the same nutrition of a baked potato made daily?
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Idaho’s Reputation For Big Potatoes

Mar 19, 2015
Q: Why did Idaho get a reputation for big potatoes?
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Potato Pairings With Fish For Lent

Mar 4, 2015
Q: Do you have any suggestions for pairing fish with potatoes for Lent?
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My Hash Browns Have Thawed. What Do I Do?!

Mar 2, 2015
Q: I have several packages of hash browns in my garage refrigerator freezer. I noticed that the freezer is not keeping them frozen solid. They are soft, but still very cold and have ice crystals. Is there a risk with cooking and eating them? If so, what specifically would be the concern?
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Potato Bars for Schools and Other Foodservice Operations

Feb 25, 2015
Q: I recently saw an article on Salad Bars 2 Schools and wondered if the Idaho Potato Commission has done anything with hot food bars or ways to introduce fresh potatoes into the school system?
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Would You Like Fries With That And How To Replace Lost Potato Sales

Feb 12, 2015
Q: We used to have just one choice of a side with our bundled meals and that was fries. Now we have lots of side dish options and I think I have discovered why my food costs have been climbing... the fries were much more profitable than offering a side salad or fruit. How can I get my profits back up?
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Potato Dishes I Can Fix For Valentine’s to Show My Love

Feb 6, 2015
Q: Are there any suggestions you might make for Valentine’s Day if I choose to stay at home and fix dinner for my significant other?
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Testing Sugar Levels In Your Potatoes

Jan 20, 2015
Q: I am looking for some information and advice on our red B size 1 grade raw potatoes we boil. We parboil the potatoes in pots of water for approximately 25-30 minutes depending on size. We test using a fork to see how the potato falls off the fork. We then place on cookie sheets (use cold water to spray over when placed on sheets) and put in our walk in cooler (38 degrees) overnight to slice and spin in a machine the next morning. We have noticed after we slice the potatoes the next morning that the cooked potatoes have a brown colored edge-ring around the skin and potato meat. The potatoes are then cooked on a flat top grill and we produce home fries. We obtain potatoes from all sorts of geographic regions according to the labels on the bags. Our vendor tells us they have to purchase potatoes from wholesale vendors and it is not possible to find a one stop supplier. We have been told the sugar levels in potatoes varies, the potatoes are held in storage for months which creates the brown color rings and the potatoes are all sourced from different geographic locations and these different growing regions and processes leads to the brown colored rings. We always prepare our potatoes the same way and have noticed the winter months seem to be when the brown colored rings appear on the potatoes.
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