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Make Ahead Latkes

Jan 30, 2016
Q: I want to make potato latkes. I want to prep the potatoes including grinding them up in the food processor ahead of time. I will have to travel with them for two hours and latkes are only good as soon as you fry them. What can I do to keep the potato batter from turning brown?
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Cooking For Large Groups

Oct 8, 2015
Q: I read your article about cooking large quantities of baked potatoes and putting them in a cooler to keep them hot. We do a fish dinner every year during Lent and cook about 250 potatoes a week for 6 weeks. Do you have any data on how long it takes for the baked potatoes to reach 185 degrees F? We wrap (I know, I know) the potatoes and put about 30 -35 potatoes on a full size sheet pan. We put in two racks per oven. Normally we set the commercial gas oven to 500 degrees F. Is it better to cook them at 400 degrees F?
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Baking 90 Count Potatoes For 250 People

Aug 12, 2015
Q: I read your article about cooking large quantities of baked potatoes and putting them in a cooler to keep them hot. We do a fish dinner every year during Lent and cook about 250 potatoes a week for 6 weeks.  Do you have any data on how long it takes for the baked potatoes to reach 185 degrees F? We wrap (I know, I know) the potatoes and put about 30-35 potatoes on a full size sheet pan. We put in two racks per oven. Normally we set the commercial gas oven to 500 degrees F. Is it better to cook them at 400 degrees F?
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Can I Home Cook And Freeze Hashbrowns For Later?

Aug 9, 2015
Q: I want to bake a bunch of russet potatoes, let them cool and then cut into chunks and freeze for hash browns. Would this work?
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Do You Have Any Fun History Tips On Potatoes In The USA That I Could Share With My Class?

Aug 28, 2014
Q: We are covering fruits and vegetables in our classroom this season. Of course, I am going to use Idaho® russets for the potato section to have the students make a working clock and we are showing how to grow a potato just from the eyes. However, I need some fun historical tidbits to share. Got any?
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Eating Left-Over Potatoes

Jun 11, 2014
Q: I have forgotten which episode and cannot find it on his website but Dr. Oz said not to eat leftover baked potatoes and gave the reason(s). Do you have any idea what he was talking about? I usually eat one-half of a baked potato one night and the other half the next night.
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How To Prepare Scalloped / Au Gratin Potatoes

May 8, 2014
Q: What is the best way to prepare scalloped / au gratin potatoes?
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We Have Been Experiencing Hard Potatoes In Our Pre-diced Potatoes, Which We Purchase For Our Store.

Apr 23, 2014
Q: I’m hoping you can help me out with your potato knowledge. We are a fresh soup producer and buy our potatoes (Burbank and Norkotah varieties) peeled, ¾” diced and rinsed in an anti-browning agent.  At times we experience “hard” potato complaints from our customers.  Through internal testing we see a small percentage of potatoes that have a waxy texture on the outside but are cooked through on the inside. Is it one variety over the other, could the sodium metabisulphite solution cause this or is it age of the crop?
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