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Q&A: Cost Conscious Wedding Reception


I have a friend who needs some ideas on a cost conscious wedding reception, any potato ideas?


imageFunny you should ask, on I just read about a wedding coordinator in hotels who did a theme by using cities’ favorite foods.  Paula Smith said “My husband and I loved New Orleans so we did our menu with New Orleans in mind.  We did a station wedding, so everyone interacted.  We had jambalaya, crawfish ettouffee, and shrimp creole; we also had a turkey carving station for anyone who did not want to try something different (I can tell you there was leftover Turkey).  I have seen people do the mashed potato bar, which seems to be a huge hit, or a bananas foster station for after dinner with quite a show.”

Mashed potato bars make great sense; the potatoes are popular with nearly everyone and the protein or vegetables can be prepared in bulk and it can be either self-serve or prepared to order at an exhibition station.  Parfait, margarita or martini glasses work well to display the food with their clear sides, and can be either glass or plastic.  Here are some tips on toppings:

 Mashed Potato Bar