Meeting Minutes

October 2024

The Idaho Potato Commission met at Idaho Potato Commission in Eagle, ID on October 23, 2024. This meeting was also held by video conference.

Mark Darrington, Chairman

Eric Jemmett
Brian Jones
Klaren Koompin
Daren Bitter
Paul Saito
Bryan Wada
Brian Lundquist
Mike Telford
Jamey Higham, President/CEO
Sam Eaton, VP Legal/Government Affairs
Ross Johnson, VP Retail
Alan Kahn, VP Foodservice
Travis Blacker, VP Industry Relations
Jeweldean Hull, Managing Director
Jamie Bowen, Marketing Director
Grayson Waldie, Accounting/Finance Manager
Dusti Zimmerman, Finance/Legal Assistant

VISITORS: Mike Thornton, Shawn Boyle, Rachael Bickerton, Danielle Brazil, Ben Johnson, Laura Martin

VIDEO CONFERENCE: Patrick Mills, Jessica Stampe, Armand Lobato, Dennis Hardy, Sue Kennedy, Brad Carlson, Emily Lauderdale, Bri Payan, Patxi Lorrocea Phillips

The meeting convened at 8:30 a.m., with Chairman Darrington presiding. He welcomed everyone and went over the anti-trust agreement.


MOTION: Commissioner Bitter made a motion to approve July 24, 2024, minutes. Commissioner Jemmett seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.

FINANCIAL REPORT: Mr. Waldie discussed receipts and expenditures for the 2024 year-end and September financials. For year-end, Fresh finished at $5.3 mil up $1.4 mil. Processed finished at $9.3 mil up $353k. Total year-end is $14.7 mil, up $1.8 mil compared to FY23. Expenditures year-to-date are $14.8 mil, down $1.3 mil. The reserve finished at $2.8 mil for FY24. For the month of September, Fresh revenue is at $438k, up $36k compared to last year. Processed is at $761k, up $98k. Total for the month of September is $1.2 mil, up $134k compared to last year. Expenditures for September are $837k versus a budget of $1 mil. Currently the reserve is $3 mil. Chairman Darrington asked for a motion to approve the 2024 year-end and a motion to approve the September financials as presented if there were no further questions.

MOTION: Commissioner Wada made a motion to approve the 2024 year-end financials. Commissioner Jones seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.

MOTION: Commissioner Bitter made a motion to approve the September financials. Commissioner Jensen seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.

CHAIRMANS COMMITTEE: Chairman Darrington called upon Mr. Eaton, who presented the following: A) Introduction to University of Idaho rep., Rachael Bickerton who is replacing Brett Olmstead; B) Idaho Farm Bureau Meeting/Specialty Crops; C) Dietary Guidelines Recommendations update; D) Local and State elections; E) License Plate follow up; F) Japanese Delegation at Idaho Falls recap.

PRESIDENT'S REPORT: Mr. Higham reported the following: A) Harvest Meeting details and Expo, Potato School registration; B) IPC calendar events and upcoming IPC sponsorships; D) 2025 Sun Valley World Cup Finals Overview/Proposal; F) Big Idaho Potato Truck Update, Laura Martin; G) Consumer/PR, Sue Kennedy; I) Famous Idaho Potato Bowl Executive Director Danielle Brazil provides details and options to 2025 FIPB contract.

RETAIL: Commissioner Jones turned the time over to Ross Johnson who reported on: A) Commissioner handouts on all IPC programs in folders; B) Consumer/PR for Retail/International; C) EPC Dinner, David Tyree from NY Giants the special guest; D) Harvest Tour Visit was a success; E) IFPA 2025 update.

EXPORT: Commissioner Wada turned the time over to Ross Johnson who reported on: A) Asia: Strategic approach to eating potatoes by Sun Way University; B) GTM 2024; C) Mexico: Importers to Idaho: Sun Glo, Eagle Eye and other visits.

RESEARCH & EDUCATION: Commissioner Jemmett turned the time over to Travis Blacker who reported on: A) UI ranked #13 in top Ag Schools in the U.S; B) June 21 Dean Parella last day; C) J.R. Simplot to endow $5 mil for nematologist position; D) Mike Thornton to retire, position will also be endowed for potato/onion departments; E) Cost of Production meeting recap; G) Specialty Crop Grant on Mop Top issue in Mexico.

INDUSTRY: Commissioner Bitter turned the time over to Travis Blacker who reported on: A) Spud Kings game; B) Harvest photo contest; C) Grower List; D) Idaho potato harvest looks good so far and the yield is average.


UNITED: Chairman Darrington turned the time over to Bryan Wada who reported on: A) Idaho voted to suspend the United Idaho operations for now, Idaho members can contact United NW if need contact; B) There are lower russet shipments based on the forecast.

OTHER: Alan Kahn to retire in February 2025.

The meeting adjourned at 11:30 a.m.