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Can I Eat Leftover Baked Potatoes?

Apr 2, 2014
Q: I have forgotten which episode and cannot find it on his website but Dr. Oz said not to eat leftover baked potatoes and gave the reason(s).  Do you have any idea what he was talking about?  I usually eat one-half of a baked potato one night and the other half the next night.
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Baking Multiple Potatoes

May 7, 2013
Q: I want to bake 50 medium-sized Idaho potatoes in roaster ovens. The temperature of the roaster goes up to 400 degrees. With 25 baker potatoes jammed into each roaster, how long will they take to bake?
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Baking Potatoes for a Large Group

Nov 20, 2012
Q: Our company is hosting a luncheon for about 80 volunteers.  We want to do a baked potato bar and serve hot potatoes and toppings.  The problem is we do not have an oven at work so we will need to bake the potatoes this night before the event.  I would like your suggestions on how many potatoes we each should take home to bake (12? 20? How many can fit in a standard oven?), how long that baking time should be for medium-sized potatoes, and how to keep them warm until lunch? Can potatoes be baked the night before and reheated in the morning or do they need to be baked fresh and kept warm?
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How to cook 150 pounds of Idaho® potatoes in different size ovens.

Dec 27, 2010
Q: We have 4 different sized ovens and need to cook 150 pounds of Idaho® potatoes for a fundraiser. Is there a formula we can use to determine the appropriate cooking time for all these potatoes?
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Grill Crazy

Apr 26, 2010
Q: It is BBseason soon…how can I compete with the wonderful smoked flavor customers can do at home with their grills?
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Grill Crazy Potatoes

Aug 19, 2009
Q: Even though your customers have opted not to lug that bag of charcoal out and fire up the grill themselves, they’re probably still craving that hot-off-the-grill taste.  Since you’ve probably got your grill going for steaks, chicken and chops, why stop there?
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