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When Blanching Fries How Long Will They Keep In A Cooler & What Piece Of Equipment Would You Recommend For A Spin Dry?

May 24, 2017
Q: How long will the blanched (in oil) fries last in the cooler? What would piece of equipment would you recommend for a spin dry!
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Is Is Safe To "Bake" Potatoes In A Slow Cooker?

May 16, 2017
Q: Is is safe to "bake" potatoes in a slow cooker? It sounds like a recipe for food poisoning to me.
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Why Is There A Pink Streak In My Russet Potato?

Apr 27, 2017
Q: I recently cut into a russet and it had a long line of pink running across top. Looked like I cut it in half and ran a pink highlighter across the length about 1/4 inch from the side. Is that normal?
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How Do I Prevent My Peeled Idaho®Potatoes From Graying?

Apr 21, 2017
Q: I sliced russet potatoes in a food processor then parboiled in milk, cream, salt and pepper Then refrigerated them in an aluminum pan overnight. The next day most of them were greyish color with black outline, I had to dispose of them. I use aluminum pans when making potato salad by parboiling the potatoes and nothing ever happened. Was it the food processor, type of potato, alum pan or all the above. I never want to be in this situation again.
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What Happened To “Stay White” Powder?

Apr 18, 2017
Q:  Many years ago we used a white powder in water to soak our freshly cut fries to prevent discoloration. I believe it was called "stay white" powder, can you help me find where to buy some?
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Do You Have Any Suggestions For Potato Based Appetizers For My Restaurant And Bar?

Apr 6, 2017
Q: Do you have any suggestions for potato based appetizers for my restaurant and bar?
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Tips And Tricks To The Best Oven French Fries From Idaho Russets Potatoes

Mar 24, 2017
Q: I want to fix oven fries from fresh Idaho Russets but they always turn out with a blotchy surface, some parts of the potato are golden brown and the rest is pale. Sometimes they never brown at all. Any tips?
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Any Tips On Storing Potatoes At Home Once I Have Washed Them?

Mar 9, 2017
Q: Any tips on storing potatoes at home once I have washed them and wrapped in foil?
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Did You Know A Potato Can Heal Itself After Harvest?

Mar 7, 2017
Q: The potatoes I just bought at the store have these little thumbnail cracks all over them, what's Up?
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Consumer Attributes To Look For In Fresh Cut French Fries Made On Premise?

Mar 2, 2017
Q: What consumer attributes should I be looking for in our fresh cut French fries made on premise?
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