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How Do I Make My Own Freezer Hash-Browns?

Jun 23, 2014
Q: How do I make my own freezer hash browns, I can’t find any recipes. I want to be able to take my homegrown potatoes, shred them and store them in the freezer for later use without having added ingredients that store bought hash browns have… Any ideas?
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How To Prepare French Fries

May 8, 2014
Q: What is the best way to prepare french fries?
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To Create Perfect French Fries Its Important To Always Blanch Them

Apr 26, 2014
Q: I know your philosophy is to blanch potatoes when doing fresh cut fries and understand the reasons why, but is this practical for a chef operator like myself?
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What Happens If You Pre-Cook Fresh Cut Potatoes At 350 Degrees?

Nov 29, 2013
Q: What happens if you pre-cook (blanch) fresh cut 3/8Inch potatoes 350 degrees, in lieu of the recommended 250 degrees?
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Can You Deep Fry Fresh Cut Fries Directly After Cutting Them?

Nov 27, 2013
Q: I have a question involving making fresh French fries at county fairs and special events. Can you get by with fresh cutting the fries and deep frying? Or do you have to cut, rinse in cold water, then fry at two different temperatures to get them to taste good, with a crisp on the outside, and a fluffy texture inside? At events water is scarce and running water with drain is almost impossible. I want to make a good product but am limited with water usage. Some have suggested using frozen fries instead of fresh but I don’t think that would be received well at events. Please advise on best method and give me an idea of the different outcomes if steps are omitted.
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Ten steps to better homemade Idaho® Potato french fries

Jul 16, 2013
Q: Are there some tips on how I cannot screw up the relationship I have with homemade Idaho® French fries? What exactly are the pitfalls I need to avoid to please guests with the best fresh cut French fries?
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Perfect Fresh-cut French Fries

Jun 18, 2013
Q: I love the choice we made several years ago to serve fresh-cut Idaho fries, but I’d like to know how we can make them more consistent?  It seems like we are getting some batches that fry up perfectly and the next batch is dark.
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What Causes Blanch Time to Increase When Using Low Solids Potatoes?

Feb 21, 2013
Q: What causes blanch time to go up when making French fries with low solids potatoes? What is the mechanism at work here?
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History of Idaho French Fries

May 11, 2012
Q: Can you tell me about the history of French fries in Idaho?
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Cutting a large quantity of potatoes into fresh fries quickly.

Oct 20, 2011
Q: I have a lot, as in 2000 pounds, of Idaho potatoes to cut into fresh fries each week. My guys are pretty quick at doing this, but is there an easier way? I am even willing to spend some money on a piece of equipment to make it more efficient.
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