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How Do I Bake a Potato in an Air Fryer?

Jul 30, 2019
Q: My question is about how to bake a potato in an air fryer. Can you help? 
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I Forgot My Potatoes in the Oven, is There Anything I Can do with Them?

Jul 24, 2019
Q:  I forgot my baking potatoes in the oven! They came out wrinkly and hard. Can I do anything with them besides throwing them away?
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My Potatoes Will Not Brown or Crisp When Frying

Jul 17, 2019
Q: We have some organic yellow potatoes that will not brown or crisp while frying, they just turn burnt-black at the edges and get mushy (whether we've precooked them or not). The raw potatoes are firm but not hard, very few spots, and of course we only use unblemished flesh. Please help!
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There is a Dark Hollow Pocket in the Middle of My Potato, What is it?

Jul 1, 2019
Q: I have a potato question! I cut into a Yukon gold potato and inside was a hollow pocket lined in the potato skin...almost like it was inside out. What could this possibly be?
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Can I Freeze Blanched or Fully Cooked Hasselback Potatoes?

Jun 18, 2019
Q: Hello Dr. Potato! I'm trying out new recipes and going to attempt Hasselback potatoes using Idaho’s. My question is I'd like to "meal prep" them, so can I freeze Hasselbacks that are blanched or should I cook them completely first?
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What Kind of Potatoes Are These and How Do I Tell If They’re Idaho® Potatoes?

Jun 12, 2019
Q: The potatoes that I purchased from my grocer do not state anywhere on the packaging what type of potatoes they actually are. Why does Idaho do this – or are these even the Idaho variety?
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My Potato Exploded When Baking

Jun 10, 2019
Q: I'm born and raised in Eastern Idaho and know how to bake a potato. I've moved to Wisconsin in 2015. The past two times we've baked potatoes at least one of them "blew apart." I baked at them 400°F,  the first was a Yukon Gold and the second was an Idaho russet. They were not huge bakers. Our oven is convection but it has never happened before. Please advise.
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What are the Small Exterior Cracks in the Skin of a Potato?

Jun 6, 2019
Q: I’m a long-time retail produce manager and notice that sometimes new shipments of potatoes in consumer bags and (more noticeably) in bulk cartons have little exterior cracks in the skin. These resemble thumbnail impressions and I don’t know what to say to customers that question what these little indentations are all about. Can you shed some light on the matter?
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Any Tips for Selling Fresh Potato Chips?

May 7, 2019
Q: I have a customer that would like to sell fresh Idaho® potato chips in their deli departments. They are struggling with this project and wondering if you had any insight on how they should be preparing them? 
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How Long Can Home Fries Stay Out in Room Temperature and Still Be Safe to Eat?

Apr 15, 2019
Q: How long can home fries stay out in room temperature and still be safe to eat when sealed in a plastic take out container?
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