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When a Potato Is Baked, Does the Starch Convert to Sugar?

Jan 21, 2022
Q: When a potato is baked.. does the starch convert to sugar? Does the starch convert to sugar if a potato is placed in a plastic bag, jabbed with a fork and cooked for 12 minutes? My friend says the steam in the bag converts the starch to sugar.
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Do I Put a Cover On The Pot of Potatoes After They Start to Boil?

Jan 14, 2022
Q: Do I put a cover on the pot of potatoes after they start to boil?
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I Started The Whole 30 Diet This Year. Do You Have Any Recipes That Fit My Dietary Restrictions?

Jan 7, 2022
Q: I started the Whole 30 diet this year. Do you have any recipes that fit my dietary restrictions?
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My New Year's Resolution This Year Is To Have a Healthier Diet. Do You Have Information On Potato Nutrition Or Healthy Potato Recipes?

Dec 31, 2021
Q: My New Year's resolution this year is to have a healthier diet. Do you have information on potato nutrition or healthy recipes?
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I'm Hosting a New Year's Eve Party This Year, Are There Any Recipes You Recommend?

Dec 24, 2021
Q: I'm hosting a New Year's Eve party this year, are there any recipes you recommend?
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What is the Story Behind Spuddy Buddy?

Dec 17, 2021
Q: We LOVE Spuddy Buddy and would love to know more about this awesome mascot?
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Do You Have Any Christmas Cookie Recipes That Use Potatoes?

Dec 17, 2021
Q: Do you have any Christmas cookie recipes that use potatoes?
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Are Waxy White Potatoes Available Anywhere?

Dec 10, 2021
Q: What has happened to the waxy white potatoes that we used to boil for potato salad, or use in soups and in stews? I don’t like to work with gold potatoes, as their color is not nearly as appetizing. I now buy red, new potatoes but they don’t have the same flavor and they are hard to peel. Please let me know if the waxy white potatoes are available anywhere.
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Danielle Kartes Christmas Idaho® Potato Round-up

Dec 6, 2021
Q: I recently saw a post from Danielle Kartes of Rustic Joyful Food about her Christmas Idaho Potato Round-up. Do you happen to have that?
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Can I Use the Easy Baker Potatoes for Potato Salad if I Unwrap Them and Clean Them?

Nov 26, 2021
Q: Can I use the Easy Baker potatoes for potato salad if I unwrap them and clean them?
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