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Building Sales With Potato Pasta


I see your posts on Instagram as Potatohead100 and wonder if you have any recommendations for an interesting appetizer made with potatoes?


First, classically prepared gnocchi but with Idaho potatoes is sure to be a hit. Appetizer sized pasta dishes still leave the customer wanting more, sometimes gnocchi as an entree is too filling. Recently, while at the Brown Palace in Denver they served up a variation of their potato pierogies with a center of mashed Idaho Purple Peruvian Potatoes from Southwind Farms in Idaho, a shipper that specializes in fingerlings offered them from September to April/May. What a tasty appetizer!

Peruvian Potato Pierogi, Creamy and Light Mustard, French Fried Onion Parmesan Crisps.

Peruvian Potato Pierogi, Creamy and Light Mustard, French Fried Onion Parmesan Crisps.