To be sure you're getting genuine, top-quality Idaho Potatoes, look for the "Grown In Idaho" seal. Idaho's growing season of warm days and cool nights, ample mountain-fed irrigation and rich volcanic soil, give Idaho Potatoes their unique texture, taste and dependable performance.
Customer Appeal
Customers love Idaho® potatoes—so much that they ask for them by name. Idaho® potatoes far outscore other states’ potatoes in customer preference and awareness. For quality Idaho® potatoes, look for the GROWN IN IDAHO seal.
Idaho® Russet potatoes consistently average high solids, season after season. This, coupled with low-moisture content, simply makes them better than those grown elsewhere. Use Idaho® Russets and you’ll enjoy:
So why are Idaho® potatoes so much better than the rest? Idaho’s growing season of warm days and cool nights, combined with plenty of mountain-fed irrigation and rich volcanic soil, produce the unique texture, taste, and dependable performance that keep customers asking for more.
Idaho® potatoes are as dependable as the soil they grow in. Unlike potatoes from other states that are only available seasonally, Idaho® potatoes are usually available year-round.
Committed to Quality
Idaho actively leads the industry in: