Quick and easy homemade dog for with only 8 ingredients! This turkey and Idaho® potato dog food recipe is full of nutrients for your furry best friend.
Read Cheryl's full post, including more photos, here.
Heat a heavy-bottomed pan over medium heat. Add coconut oil and ground turkey. Cook for 6-8 minutes, breaking up turkey as it cooks until turkey is cooked through. Remove from pan and set aside.
To the same pan, add ½ cup water and diced Idaho® potatoes. Cover pot and let potatoes simmer for 8-10 minutes until they have softened.
Uncover and add grated carrot, grated zucchini, and diced apple. Stir to combine and cook for 2-3 minutes.
Remove from heat and add cooked ground turkey and chopped hard-boiled egg. Stir to combine.
Set aside to cool slightly before feeding to your pup.