Hot Chicken, Biscuit Purée, Warm Potato Salad, Kohlrabi, Candied Skin

Hot Chicken, Biscuit Purée, Warm Potato Salad, Kohlrabi, Candied Skin

Trey Cioccia
The Farm House
Nashville, TN

Yield: 2 servings


Hot Chicken Ingredients:
Spicy Sprinkles Ingredients:
Biscuit Purée Ingredients:
Warm Potato Salad Ingredients:
Pickled Kohlrabi Ingredients:
Candied Chicken Skin Ingredients:


Hot Chicken Directions:
  1. Place chicken in a non-metallic container with hot sauce and refrigerate for 3 days, mixing every day. Remove chicken from marinade and season with salt, pepper and spicy sprinkles. Heat oil in a cast-iron skillet over medium-high heat and cook chicken, skin-side down until the skin is browned. Flip and baste with hot sauce and season with spicy sprinkles. Place in 350°F oven until chicken reaches 160°F. Baste with hot sauce and season with sprinkles once more. Let rest until the internal temp is 165°F.
Spicy Sprinkles Directions:
  1. Cook peppers, onion, 2 tablespoons salt, water, vinegar and honey down in a pot over medium heat for 1 hour. Purée in a blender until smooth. Pour through a strainer and reserve the mash left in the strainer. Dehydrate mash in dehydrator for 12 hours, then blend into a fine powder. Mix with cayenne, vinegar powder and ½ tablespoon salt. Cover and seal.
Biscuit Purée Directions:
  1. Place biscuits and milk in a blender and blend until smooth. Season with salt and pepper and finish with butter to give the purée a silky look. Keep warm until ready to plate.
Warm Potato Salad Directions:
  1. Heat oil in a cast-iron skillet over medium-high. Add potatoes and sauté until lightly brown, then add bacon and render until potatoes are golden.
  2. Add shallots and garlic and sweat them with mustard and smoked vinegar. Toss until mixed and season with salt, pepper and fines herbs. Keep warm until ready to plate.
Pickled Kohlrabi Directions:
  1. Toss together and reserve for plating.
Candied Chicken Skin Directions:
  1. Place chicken skins in a 350°F fryer and cook until all bubbles have stopped. Place in a bowl and lightly dust with dextrose, coating evenly. Place in 350°F oven for 15 seconds, or until dextrose has melted; this will happen fast so keep an eye on them. Pull out of oven and toss with cane syrup and season with salt and pepper. Keep warm until plating.
Assembly Directions:
  1. To plate, place a large spoonful of biscuit purée on the center of the plate and drag the spoon in a half circle, then place the potatoes in the middle of the circle. Top with the hot chicken, bone end toward the circle opening. Place a heaping spoonful of the pickled kohlrabi on top of chicken and finish by stacking the crispy skins piled high. Garnish with micro-greens as desired.