Moravian Sugar Cake is a treat you may not have heard of outside of parts of North Carolina and Pennsylvania, where the Moravians settled. I was fortunate to grow up in Charlotte, NC, only a couple of hours from the hotbed of Moravian Sugar Cake activity in North Carolina: Winston-Salem.
Traditionally served at both Easter and Christmas, we only ever enjoyed them at Christmas, which is why I am so excited to bring you this recipe as we approach the holidays. Soft, pillowy potato sweet dough spread into pans, allowed to rise, and then poked with holes. Not dimples as in a focaccia, but holes all the way through. They’re there so the butter-brown sugar-cinnamon topping can find it’s way to the bottom of the cake and caramelize.
Perfect warm--not hot--from the oven, or see the recipe notes for tips on how Moravians reheat their Moravian Sugar Cake for serving.
This recipe makes 2 thick 9 x 13” Moravian Sugar Cakes or 2 thin 13 x 18” cakes. Or one of each. Enjoy.
For the Dough:
For the Topping:
For the Dough:
For the Topping:
Whisk the brown sugar and cinnamon together thoroughly. Divide in half.
To Finish and Bake: